Notes on Obama: Virginia Tech, Violence and the Road Ahead

by Dax-Devlon Ross

Immediately following the Viriginia Tech massacre earlier this week Barack Obama delivered a heartfelt address to a Milwaukee audience.  (to hear the mp3 click here)

Rather than stick to his scripted speech, Senator Obama lowered the tone of the gathering and spoke directly to what he believes is at the heart of the problem within this nation, what he calls “our incapacity to recognize ourselves in each other.” It is the blatant disregard with which we handle one another that brings about the kind of violence witnessed by the Virginia Tech community experienced as well as the kind of violence Don Imus wrought with his glib remarks.

Listening to the speech this morning it occurred to me that impromptu nature of the speech really allowed for a unique look into Obama that people long for. By the time the speech was finished I had taken post-its worth of notes I wanted to share with a wider audience:

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